Tui Na Massage
Tui Na or TCM remedial therapy was the step I took after Toyohari Meridian Therapy and before Remedial Massage. It was the initial massage style I learned, and I still heavily influences my daily personal activities and professional massage style.
When people think of Chinese massage, they probably think of shopping centres and a certain style of massage. I leant Tuina as an Australian health qualification. That means it has a lot more in common with an acupuncturist than a shopping centre. Including a proper assessment using the theories of Yin/Yang, 5 elements, primary and extraordinary channels, Jing well, day/night and much more.
I love how these theories lead massage to explore relationships occurring inside the body, outside of the common anatomical considerations. Having the ability to find connection and results beyond those that might normally be found in western reductionist thinking.
So, what does that mean for you when you come to my clinic? It means we can explore your experience from multiple perspectives, look beyond the things you may be familiar with to find results that may have gone unseen from other perspectives.