Personal support
I worked in both Alcohol and drugs and Suicide prevention. prior to shifting over to natural health and studying Toyohari Meridian Therapy and Reiki. My qualification is as a community support worker, and I am a lived experience person having walked both the journey of dependence and mental health in my time.
As a community worker I do not have authority to diagnose or provide counselling. What I can do is listen, and I can do that both from my education and the first hand experience of my personal travels.
I can help people find services and understand the system. I can also help as safe and qualified listener for yourself, or helping you deal with the challenges that come with partners or family.
So, what does that mean for you when you come to my clinic? Like most therapists I will listen while I work, however unlike most other therapists I have specialist training and experience in this field. Of course you can look at it the other way, when you go have a chat with someone it’s a real bonus to get a massage at the same time.